Hodgman Family


Welcome to the Hodgman Family in Australia

Aaron Martin Cramp Hodgman and wife Juliana Lade

Aaron Martin Cramp Hodgman and his wife Juliana Lade (pictured above) together with 5 children (2 more born in Australia) came to Australia on the ship "Kent" from England in 1865 and settled in Tasmania.
The children's names were
William Lade Hodgman
Thomas Christophers Hodgman
Frances (Fanny) Hodgman
Martin Crofts Hodgman
Cyrus Lade Hodgman
John Samuel Hodgman
Wilfred Hodgman

About myself and family

My name is Rose married to John Hodgman. We have 3 children and 7 grandchildren and 2 Great Grand children We live in Launceston Tasmania, Australia, we are retired and while John  use to enjoys playing Lawn Bowls, I enjoy doing research into our Family History as my Hobby 

Family Reunion March 2000

We held a Hodgman family reunion in Launceston, Tasmania, Australia in March 2000.
For a report on the reunion click here


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